Tuesday, August 29, 2006

On pins and needlees

Megan is due with our first child in negative three days! Megan went to the OBGYN today to have her weekly checkup. The doctor wanted Megan to have another ultrasound to better determine how the baby is positioned. Since we don't yet know the gender (not due to a lack of trying), Megan was excited...not only could we see if the baby was properly positioned, but we might also find out the sex. I, on the other hand, did not want to find out. I figured, we had gotten this far without knowing, lets just hold out until the very end. Megan was determined. When the ultrasoundologist (new word) came into the room, Megan excitedly asked if we could find out. The U-ologist was surprised that she didn't want to wait, after waiting this long in the first place. Immediately, I seized the opportunity to sway Megan back away from the dark side and into the safety of the Jedi way, slashing and burning the enemies with my light saber, restoring peace and tranquility to the universe... (not sure what that was all about...sorry). Together, the U-ologist and I successfully held Megan back from her inclinations and we walked away from the Ultrasound nonetheworse. The baby is head down (thats very good) and we still do not know if we have a girl or a boy. Ah, the suspense!
Pictures and probably some crazy funny stories about how I nearly passed out should be coming soon :-)


SamErika said...

I want to see a picture of your hand when Megan is done with it! Looking forward to this event, dont stint on pics and news!!

Ricardo said...

hey, can't wait to see some pics! can we start a betting system... I bet a few ore and wheat that you are having a girl!

Kathleen said...

I'm pretty sure it's a boy. And he shall be Levon. And he will be a good man.

Just kidding. But I do think it's a boy.

Why have we not done a pool for the day??? What's wrong with me?

Love you guys-- and can't wait for news!

Marc A. Pitman, CFCC said...

Jim and Megan,

Just think, in a few short years, THIS could be you, check out how we spent last Sunday a.m., just before church! Click here

Parenthood is a blast. As is church planting!
