Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Which hero would you be?

Okay...so I've gotten into this new show called Heros. It's fun. I'm not sure what is going to happen to the other show that I got into, Lost. They're changing the time to 10pm (est), which is, sad to say, a bit too late for me. Maybe I'll tape it for a while and see what comes. Anyway, back to heros. Its on at 9pm...much more reasonable. My favorite hero is Hiro for a few reasons. One, he's the funniest character on the show. Two, he has the best power...he can stop time (or can he just move super fast???). Three, he speaks Japanese and it reminds me of our good friends back in Chicago, the Matsuokas. It's getting very interesting...Silar is on the prowl and all sorts of new characters are coming out of the woodwork. Soon, however, I wonder if I'll hit hero overload. How many new heros can they introduce while keeping me engaged in the primary storyline? I'm already feeling a bit dazed with each new character. My recovery time is longer and longer each week. They need to develop what they have for a little while and then get back into some new characters...if only I were a tv exec!!

By the way...its snowing in Virginia tonight. Megan is betting that I won't be able to make it into work tomorrow. For some reason, snow down here is much more dangerous than snow up north. I think it has something to do with global warming, acid rain and a serious lack of salt. Not sure though.

If you have a favorite hero or if you can think of a very cool power you would like to have, make a comment. I'd love to hear from you...especially about tv, which is very important to me (sarcasm).


Anonymous said...

Great to see a post from you. I check your blog nearly everyday, and was very happy to see a new post from you. As far as the show Hero, I haven't seen it. As far as a cool super power, well, I would have to say flying. That would probably be my choice if I could have one.

Your son is looking good. I can't believe how big he is already. Can't wait to see him in person someday.

Tell Meg hello for me and Kath.


Ricardo said...

Ha! I agree that they are introducing way too many characters to the story line. I am on the verge of giving up on the show just for that. I am also losing interest on Lost. They keep adding more twists and variables to the mistery of the island and the people there. That is why I like watching Spanish soaps... great story line and they only last about a year.

Being invisible would be my choice of a super power. Imagine all the places you could go! I could sneak into the UN meetings, the Apple labs, the cockpit of an F-15, be on stage with Tony Benett, go to Australia for free, get up close to the Mona Lisa, write down the recipie for Coke, hang out with Castro, and finally be able to scare my second grade teacher so that she knows what it feels like! Oh, the possibilites are endless.

Anonymous said...

Richie ricardo,
Wouldn't you have to be naked all the time in order to retain invisibility?
That could present some problems.
Maybe I'm not getting enough sleep, but thinking that naked invisible Ricardo could be anywhere would make me want to NOT have the superpower of seeing invisible people but to make them temporarily visible so that everyone could see naked Rich on stage next to Tony Bennett, naked Rich next to dying Castro, etc
