Sunday, July 15, 2007

Open House

This is how its supposed to put some ads in the news and on the web, you clean your house, you bake some cookies, then you wait for them to come. They come. They all come. All potential buyers and even the curious non-buyers. They come in droves. After a few hours of talking and showing, you rest. Shortly after, the calls begin. A bidding war ensues. Its bliss...for the seller, that is.

We did that...we did all of it, except the cookie baking. Who showed up? A woman named Megan. A baby named Joshua and a man named Jim. That's it! That's all she wrote! If you haven't quite figured that one out...nobody but us showed up to our open house.

The closest we got was a man walking by our home. As he approached, Megan excitely exclaimed, "we have our first visitor!" I jumped up and ran to the window to examine the person who would live the next few years of his life in our lovely home. He turned out to be one of the neighborhood boys dressed a bit preppy, giving him the distant appearance of a young man. My hopes were dashed.

4pm came and went. Our open house was over. The drove never showed...I think they must have gotten hung up at our now infamous gate.

Oh well...we live to sell another day.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. What a bummer. I have to blame it on the market, as your house is just beautiful and staged just like the tv shows say to do.